Sunday 24 April 2016

Benefits Of Leg Stretching

Benefits Of Leg Stretching

It is therefore important to include leg stretches into your daily exercise routine.
The best leg stretches work all the major muscle groups in the lower extremities helping reduce stress and improving flexibility.

Stretches such as static stretches, dynamic stretches and yoga leg stretches target all the major leg muscles such as the hip flexors, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and shins.

Yoga poses such as Down Dog pose, Mountain pose, Tree pose, Triangle pose, the Warrior poses, the Half Moon pose, and the Wheel pose all require strong legs.

Practicing these postures will redefine your leg muscles over time and improve their strength.
This will make it easier for you to hold these poses for longer as well.

These stretches also lessen the risk of soreness and muscle fatigue.

This is especially necessary if you work out or play any type of sport.

From aerobics to weight training, soccer to running, strong legs are always an asset and leg stretches can help improve your performance both in the field and off.

Benefits Of Leg Stretching

Leg stretches when done properly can reduce the risk of injury, strengthen the muscles and improve stamina and flexibility.

Leg stretches can also increase your range of motion - an important advantage for runners and sportsmen who can improve their performance on field as a result.

Prolonged yoga leg stretches can even reduce cholesterol and prevent the hardening of arteries.
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