Saturday 7 May 2016

7 wonders of life

7 wonders of life

Seven Wonders of Life 

1. Your Mother - 

Who is the principal individual to welcome you in this world. 

2. Your Father - 

Who is the main individual to experience every one of the hardships just to see you grin! 

3. You're Sibling - 

The principal individual to show you the craft of 'sharing and minding'. 

4. Your Friend - 

The primary individual to show you how to regard individuals with various feelings and perspectives! 

5. Your Love - 

The main individual to make you understand the estimation of penance and bargain and the first for whom you've to battle the world to be as one. 

6. Your Children - 

The primary little individual to show you how to be benevolent and consider others before yourself. 

7. Your Grandchildren - 

The main animals who make you need to carry on with the life, 

once more


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