Thursday 12 May 2016

Weirdest Fishes of the World

Weirdest Fishes of the World

A “Male Jawfish” is said to be mouth-breeders as after mating the female lays eggs in the male’s mouth from where they are breaded and brought to the aquatic world.

A “Tassled Scorpionfish” who lives in Solomon Islands of the South Pacific is a very venomous and carnivorous fish and also is hard to distinguish from rocks and other plantation under water.

In this weird and incredible world there are somethings that we do not even have the idea about. Let’s take a look at the aquatic life. Here are some of the weirdest wishes present in the seas.

A “Whitemargin Stargazer” lies half buried on a reef off in Komodo Island, Indonesia. This fish lies in this position and waits for small fishes to pass by for a self treat.

A “Young Boxfish” is seen in the Sulawesi Islands, Indonesia. These fish are shaped up like a box and are very bright in color when younger, they turn bluish-grey in color as they grow older.

This is a newly discovered fish called “Psychedelica” which is found in Ambon Island, Indonesia. This fish bounces on the ocean floor like a ball and is much more like a frog fish as it has two limb on either sides.

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